What SAPACE is?

During some centuries, the penninsula of Korea was under Chinese dominion. Because of this situation, Chinese was the common use language, specially in upper social class. Because of the writing of the Asian giant language is, possibly, the most difficult amongst the existing ones (due to the large number of symbols and the mistake of the meaning depending the pronunciation of one of these symbols). Its use was not spread all along the diferent social classes in Korean society, so it was a sign of social prestige. The influence was so important that Korean words were written in Chinese. In 15th century, king Sejong decided to change the social dymanic and had as achievement to expand Korean as usual language. For this purpose, decided an essential element would be the alphabet. But it had to be an easy code, for people with less access to education could have the change of reading and writing. A group os wise men had the mission from the king and the result was Hangul
Hangul is a quite simple alphabetic system, with no much difficulties. It is a representation of different phonemes by syllabical groups. It spins around three basic representations: the circle (representation of sky), the horizontal line (representation of Earth) and the vertical line (representation of human being). This writing code had good results and Korean population adopt it as part of themselves. There is no doubt the simplicity it was conceived made its spreading an easy task. To show the impact of Hangul in population, it must be told UNESCO gives an award for literacy teaching with the name of king Sejong.

With the base of Korean alphabet, it was conceived SAPACE with the only purpose to make easy the job of learning writing and reading to those with difficultieswith ordinary calligraphy. Reducing all letters and numbers to circles and lines it is wanted to make writing easy. So, from something simple as drawing quite elemental signs it can be structured a code that allwos anybody to communicate with others in an effective way.

Simplicity is the most remarcable characteristic in SAPACE, so it can be a good tool for people with difficulties in writing can beat this challenge.
SAPACE starts in something so easy as drawing circles (and semicircles) and lines. Training people in these forms, it can be achieved they have the essential elements for writing. In ordinary callygraphy (the one we all learn) play a rol lines and circles and other forms and concepts like ellipsis, line crossings, forwards-backwards strokes...
Also, this system can be the beginning for adquire the standart callygraphy, because the letters and numbers forms are quite similar: the start point are existing callygrafies.
In the beginning, it was created for mentally disabled people could write, but it can be applied to other groups that, for different circumstances, aren’t capable of adquiring the Roman alphabet, quite common in this world. But with SAPACE it could be reached and approchement to this code, just drawing circles and lines. In such an easy way, it will increase the percentage of population who could be able to communicate writing and now think cannot do it.

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